Keywords: supply chain management, inter - organizational systems, electronic data interchange, automotive industry.
关键字: 供给连锁管理, 国际组织化系统, 电子资料交换系统, 机动工业.
互联网Electronic data interchange, computer, communications and modern management techniques with a product node.
电子数据交换, 计算机 、 通信和现代管理技术相结的产物.
互联网Itwas on telex systems that today's electronic data interchange developed.
互联网Logistics information management - fundamental concept, bar - code system management, POS system, electronic data interchange, RFID system, and e - logistic.
4物流之资讯管理 - 基本概念 、 条码系统管理 、 POS系统 、 电子资料交换 、 RFID系统 、 物流电子化.
互联网The international standard of EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) in ISO 9735 was recommended.
互联网EC includes EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) and business on web.
包括欧共体的EDI ( 电子数据交换 ) 和业务网络.
互联网Electronic Data Interchange has been an important and critical part of Enterprise System Integration.
互联网But this paper provides integrated security solution for the p 2 p electronic data interchange network.
互联网EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) is the advanced technology of information transaction in international container transport.
在国际集装箱运输中,信息传递的先进方式是建立电子数据交换 ( EDI ) 系统.
互联网In which the written form, including telegraph, telex, fax, electronic data interchange and email.
其中书面形式, 中包括电报 、 电传 、 传真 、 电子数据交换和电子邮件.
互联网Actually, about twenty years ago, EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) system based on VAN ( Value - Added Network ) was present.
实际上, 早在二十多年前就出现了基于VAN ( 增值网络 ) 的EDI ( 电子数据交换 ) 系统.
互联网This practice became electronic data interchange ( EDI ), the computer - to - computer exchange of standardized electronic transaction documents.
这种惯例形成了电子数据交换 ( EDI ), 计算机之间的标准化电子交易文档的交换.
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